I’ve been using Geany for most of my development work for several years now and, while I’ve been generally happy with it, as I’ve started to do more web-based work and less system administration, I’m starting to feel that it isn’t giving me as much support as I’d like. So: time to start surveying the field to see if there’s something that might suit me better.

Initial Candidates:

Some Requirements

  • syntax highlighting for: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Perl, arbitrary XML, Bourne / Bash script, Python, Julia
  • auto-complete / intelligent code completion for same
  • markup helping (e.g. ctrl-b wraps selected text in )
  • robust regular expression search & replace
  • flexible line endings / character encodings for working with files from other environments
  • case-folding, entity replacement, sorting, etc. native or via plugin
  • bracket matching
  • read image files to update width & height attributes of <img> tags